Loreal Professionnel Scalp Advanced Anti-oiliness 5-in-1 serum 90ml
10 cm (Length) x 15 cm (Width) x 10 cm (Height)
Concentrated with 1% Pure Silica + Niacinamide.
Targeted Concern: Oily & sweaty scalps
Proven efficacy on 5 scalp deregulations:
1. Oiliness: 90% of consumers agree that the serum removes excess sebum.
2. Discomfort: 96% of consumers agree that their scalp seems more comfortable*.
3. Sweat: 76% of consumers agree that the serum reduces sweat.
4. Impurities: 85% of consumers agree that the serum removes impurities*
5. Odor: 96% of consumers agree that the serum prevents malodors*
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