Specifique Cure Anti Irritation Ampoules Scalp Treatment For Sensitive Scalp 12x6ml

Specifique Cure Anti Irritation Ampoules Scalp Treatment For Sensitive Scalp 12x6ml


This intensive scalp cure restores the quality and suppleness of the scalp by reducing all type of scalp discomforts such itchiness, irritation and inflamation. It soothes the scalp by hydrating and moisturizing the scalp all while protecting against oxidative stress. Scalp discomfort is eliminated and itchiness disappears for a comfortable and relaxed lasting sensation.  

Tonik intensif untuk mengatasi masalah kulit kepala sensitif. Mengurangi rasa perih, kemerahan dan jerawat dan memberikan perasaan selesa kepada kulit kepala.

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